
The Scientific Machine Learning group is an interdisciplinary team at the intersection of scientific computing, machine learning and data-driven science. We address challenges posed by noisy data, computational complexity, scalability, and security arising in various important scientific applications. A key focus of our group is how to design intelligent and interactive systems to automate engineering tasks such as parameter inference, model selection and model exploration. Many of our projects are driven by applications in the life sciences.


We are located at the Division of Scientific Computing at the Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University. 

Andreas: andreas.hellander@it.uu.se

Salman: salman.toor@it.uu.se

Carl: carl.nettelblad@it.uu.se

Prashant: prashant.singh@scilifelab.uu.se

Visit us at the Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala

Addresses – Department of Information Technology – Uppsala University (uu.se)